iOS 6.1.3正式推出更新!修補JB漏洞,請勿更新


蘋果在美國時間19日發佈更新iOS 6.1.3 ,這次修補不意外,正如之前9To5Mac發表的消息一樣,「iOS 6.1.3 Beta2 已經將JB漏洞給修補」。這次APPLE官方正式在IOS6.1.3裡面修復4個漏洞,分別是USB、Lockdown、kernel、dyld , 裡面也有出現大家耳熟能響的evad3rs,這四個漏洞是evad3rs夢幻團隊所找出,還不知道是否還能繼續找出漏洞出來?而這次擺明就是要針對evad3rs的JB漏洞去做修補動作,這場JB大仗可能會打得非常精彩,到底會是哪方勝出呢?就讓我們繼續看下去,

evad3rs漏洞 (消息來源)

APPLE-SA-2013-03-19-1 iOS 6.1.3
iOS 6.1.3 is now available and addresses the following:
Available for:  iPhone 3GS and later,
iPod touch (4th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact:  A local user may be able to execute unsigned code
Description:  A state management issue existed in the handling of
Mach-O executable files with overlapping segments. This issue was
addressed by refusing to load an executable with overlapping
CVE-2013-0977 : evad3rs
Available for:  iPhone 3GS and later,
iPod touch (4th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact:  A local user may be able to determine the address of
structures in the kernel
Description:  An information disclosure issue existed in the ARM
prefetch abort handler. This issue was addressed by panicking if the
prefetch abort handler is not being called from an abort context.
CVE-2013-0978 : evad3rs
Available for:  iPhone 3GS and later,
iPod touch (4th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact:  A local user may be able to change permissions on arbitrary
Description:  When restoring from backup, lockdownd changed
permissions on certain files even if the path to the file included a
symbolic link. This issue was addressed by not changing permissions
on any file with a symlink in its path.
CVE-2013-0979 : evad3rs

Available for:  iPhone 3GS and later,
iPod touch (4th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact:  A local user may be able to execute arbitrary code in the
Description:  The IOUSBDeviceFamily driver used pipe object pointers
that came from userspace. This issue was addressed by performing
additional validation of pipe object pointers.
CVE-2013-0981 : evad3rs


如果你是已經JB完的用戶,請不要透過itunes去做更新iOS 6.1.3 動作,避免無法使用JB。
如果你是想要JB或是回覆iOS6.1.2,請盡快把握這段時間進行。 用itools來回覆備份與重灌iOS6詳細教學 

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