[Cydia for iOS教學]當Cydia推出最新更新檔,要進行更新?


Cydia v1.1.23更新內容說明

All too often, I release a new package, and find out during the first few hours after release that there was a serious regression :(. Even if I pull the new version, users who upgraded do not have a way to easily downgrade.
Now, not only wil Cydia allow you to downgrade to the "current" version, but it also allows downgrading to any previous version that is available on the repository. Going forward, I will leave previous versions online for some time while users are able to sort out issues.
Find Extensions for Applications
This feature was directly inspired by UnlimApps, who released a Substrate extension for Cydia called TweakHub.
The idea: automatically determine what applications a Substrate extension is designed to modify, and use that to provide categorized lists based on the iOS applications you have installed.
This technique is exciting, as it does not rely on repositories and developers to manually tag packages (this never works out): most of this information is already picked up automatically by Cydia's "whole package index" :D.
(Oh, if it isn't yet clear why UnlimApps wanted this feature: they develop a number of app-specific extensions ;P.)
Clearing Caches Could Kill Cydia
A user reported a situation where they ran out of disk space, iOS cleared their caches, and then Cydia wouldn't run.


Cydia 更新教學

▼ 如果無跳出更新,請打開Cydia點選「來源」,左上角點一下「重新整理」,就會開始下載軟體源最新更新清單,自然就會看見有下面的更新檔提示。
▼ 開啟Cydia會挑出必要更新提示,點「升級重要套件」,右圖就會跳出確認升級Cydia Installer訊息,點選右上角「確認」即可更新。
Step 1. ▼如果是點選「忽略(暫時)」用戶,會看到「變更內容」跳出v1.1.18升級訊息,點選一下後會看見需要更新「Cydia Installer」,點入後點選右上角的「修改」>「升級」。
Step 2. ▼ 即可跳出確認升級確認訊息,隨後點下右上角的「確認」安裝,安裝完畢再點下「重新啟動SpringBoard」即可完成。

Cydia 確認版本

▼ 打開Cydia App後,在Cydia首頁最底可看見Cydia版本號,另外提醒一下,最後一行亂數那是iOS設備的UDID碼,截圖時候請不要秀出來,避免會被有心人士給亂用。


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