收到這個月信用卡發現為何會多出一筆99美元的「AmazonPrime Membership」項目,回想一下原來是上個第一次在美國Amzon.com上購物,最後掉入境內免運費的Prime Membership陷阱裡,導致直接從信用卡收取會員VIP年費99美元,這價格高的驚死人,如跟瘋先生一樣第一次購物不小心加入AmazonPrime Membership,可依照底下步驟來退出會員與申請退款動作。
取消Prime Membership身份
Step 1. ▼ 首先請先登入美國Amzon.com會員,點選「Your Account」>「Your Prime Membership」,如找不到點選這網址。
Step 2. ▼ 接下來趕緊按下「End Membership」按鈕,取消這身份,避免每個月一直收取99美元。
Step 1. ▼ 滑到網頁最底,找到「Let Us Help You」,點選底下的「Help」連結。
Step 2. ▼ 選「Need More Help?」>「Contact US」就能夠聯繫線上客服。
Step 3. ▼ 聯繫前,在步驟1選「Something else」,步驟2選「Prime, Student, Campus, or Mom Membership」、「Cancel Prime Membership」,最後步驟3點選「Chat」進行線上客服聯繫。
Step 4. ▼ 最後會跳出對話框,由於瘋先生英文也很爛,只能找其它人的範例和google翻譯,如果英文不好者可直接複製底下英文。
I started my amazon prime free trial a month ago, and recently found that you charged me $99 for this service. Then I realized that I forgot to cancel my prime membership but the sevice is uneconomic for me as I rarely buy things on amazon. I did not use this sevice any more after the trial period and $99 is not a small sum for me. Would you please be so kind to help me cancel my prime membership and give the money back to me?
We've requested a refund of $99.00 to yourCredit Card. You'll see the refund in the next 2-3 business days.
差不多就要以上這兩個步驟,就能完成退出amazon Prime Membership與退費,最後會收到一封如下會告知退款訊息。
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