macOS 10.14 Mojave 在推出測試版本後,相信不少搶先升級的 Evernote 用戶都會發現,最新 macOS 10.14 上打開 Evernote 就會立即跳出錯誤視窗,導致無法正常使用 Mac 版 Evernote,為了解決相容性問題 Evernote 也在macOS 10.14 公開測試版本推出後,立即釋放最新 Beta 版本要來解決相容性錯誤。
解決 Evernote 無法在 macOS 10.14 Mojave 執行問題
步驟 1
▼ 舊版 Evernote 開啟 macOS 10.14 都會出現未預期的結束情況。
步驟 2
▼ 透過「AppCleaner」移除「Evernote」。
步驟 3
▼ 只要將 Evenote 往「AppCleaner」拉即可,按下「Remove」即可刪除Evenote 主程式與相關連資料檔案。
步驟 4
▼ 重新下載 Evernote 7.3 Beta 版本(連結在文末),將 Evernote 放入應用程式內即可正常執行。
Evernote 7.3 Beta 下載
點我下載 v7.3 Beta
此測試版本有修正 macOS 10.14 Mojave 上會造成大量錯誤問題,詳細如下
- All Notes is highlighted until a notebook is selected from the sidebar
- Spotlight Search not Working
- Searching stop words returns results for notes with attachments
- Annotating PDFs: PDF indexing failed error
- Clicking the arrow in breadcrumbs for a space takes you to the backing notebook
- Certain cases where items in sidebar were unable to expand/collapse due to an exception
- A crash when interacting with the Formatting preferences pane and the Font selection panel
- Preferences: Incorrect web link opens after clinking on “Go To Mac Forum…” in Software Update pane
- Client becomes unresponsive if searching for a term with no results while an image is viewed in full screen
- Fix crash with saved search
- macOS 10.14 Mojave: Fix crash with image scaling
- Dragging image to desktop creates Text Clipping file
- New sidebar highlighting behavior when opening a notebook from the notebook kingdom
- Search results by relevance have been improved – please let us know what you think. Results can be sorted by relevance by changing the sort options for the results.
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